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   \ /       |  _  |       |  __/       |  __/ 
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yapp is a program that includes a set of utilities to work on high density genetic data in pedigrees.

yapp and its utilities implement some models and methods that have been invented by other people. If you use yapp it is important that you acknowledge their work by citing the appropriate references. These will depend on the way you use the software. The documentation below provides the relevant citations.


yapp has been tested to work on Linux and MacOSX with python versions >= 3.7. It is suggested to install yapp within a python virtual environment. Briefly this is done with these commands:

python -m venv yappenv
cd yappenv
source bin/activate
## make sure a recent version of pip is installed
pip install -U pip

Then, install Numberjack from github. First checkout that you have installed the required dependencies:

  • python-dev
  • swig (3.X)
  • libxml2-dev
  • zlib1g-dev
  • libgmp-dev

Then install it using the following commands:

git clone  https://github.com/eomahony/Numberjack.git
cd Numberjack
python setup.py build
pip install .

Finally, you can install yapp (note that the python package name is yappgen):

pip install yappgen

To run some of yapp utilities on a computer cluster you can additionally install ray (pip install ray)


yapp has a command line interface that is used to launch different commands. Type yapp -h for detailed help. The basic syntax is :

yapp <command> <args1, args2, ..., argsN>

Most commands take as input files a VCF file, its index obtained with tabix, and a FAM file with family information. yapp writes logs of all commands to a common log file ending in _yapp.log. This way all steps of an analysis will be logged in the same place (the file is not overwritten). yapp commands try to use multiple processors when required. By default they will use all that are available. To control this number use the -c option.

Workflow of yapp commands

Yapp workflkow

Available commands are:


yapp mendel <prfx>

This command performs checks for Mendelian errors between all parent -> offspring pairs. It will identify pairs that exhibit a large number of such errors and are therefore likely to be pedigree errors. It produces a new FAM file where such errors have been removed and that can be used in subsequent analyses.


The phase command is used to infer gametic phase and segregation indicators in a genotyped pedigree. The usage is:

yapp phase <prfx>

where prfx is the prefix of all input files : <path/to/prefix>.fam , <path/to/prefix>.vcf.gz , <path/to/prefix>vcf.gz.tbi. Note that when exporting a plink bed file to VCF, you must do so using --recode vcf-iid so that sample names in the resulting VCF do no include the family-ID.

The output files produced are a phased VCF <path/to/prefix>_phased.vcf.gz and a binary file <path/to/prefix>_yapp.db. This binary file is useful for conducting analyses with other yapp commands. yapp also stores the data on disk in the form of zarr Zarrays which makes it convenient to work with and transfer information from one yapp command to another or if you want to access programatically (in python) the results. When you are finished using it you might consider deleting those files as they can be big.


yapp phase uses a Weighted Constraints Satisfaction Problem solver, ToulBar2, to infer parental phase from transmitted gametes. This idea was developped by Aurélie Favier during her PhD with Simon de Givry and Andres Legarra.

A. Favier, J-M. Elsen, S. de Givry, and A. Legarra Optimal haplotype reconstruction in half-sib families In ICLP-10 workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics, Edinburgh, UK, 2010


The recomb command is used to detect crossing overs from phased data. It is meant to be run after a yapp phase run. It will produce two output files <path/to/prefix>_yapp_recombinations.txt with the localization of detected crossing over events and <path/to/prefix>_yapp_recomb_coverage.txt that provides for each meiosis (parent -> offspring) and each chromosome the interval within which crossing overs can be detected.


only available for version > 0.1

The origins command is used to trace down transmission of ancestral alleles in the pedigree. Any chromosome of unknown ancestral origin is given a unique identifier that is then followed through segregations from parent to offspring.

This command :

  • creates a new linkage group in the zarr archive with origins
  • produces new output files:
    • <path/to/prefix>_yapp_ancestors.txt : correspondance between ancestors and ancestral allele codes
    • <path/to/prefix>_ancestral_props.txt : for each individual gives the proportion of SNPs inherited from each ancestral allele
    • <path/to/prefix>_pedGRM.txt : gives the estimated kinship coefficients for each pair of individuals in the pedigree. It is a genomic relationship matrix (GRM) based on linkage data.


The sperm command is used to infer parental genotype and phases from genotyping data of its gametes. The input files are the same as for the phase command with additional requirements : 1. the fam file should not contain pedigree information (columns 3 and 4 are ignored) but use the FID (/i.e./ first) column to relate an individual to its gametes 2. the vcf file will be read assuming individuals are completely inbred (haploid gametes). Any heterozygote genotype is treated as missing.

An output file is created for each gamete set found in the input files (/i.e./ each unique identifier in the FID column of the fam file). This file is in tped format with the additional information that haplotypes are phased. If you read it with plink the phase info will probably disappear.

Other Utilities


fphtrain trains a fastphase model on a set of individuals. It takes as input a vcf_file (gzipped and indexed) and a number of haplotype clusters. Genotype data can be read assuming different modes:

  • genotype : unphased diploids
  • phased : phased diploids. The phase information is taken from the VCF file (| sign). Unphased genotype are treated as missing.
  • inbred : completely homozygous genotypes, treated as haploids. Heterozygote genotypes are treated as missing.
  • likelihood : used the GL field from the VCF corresponding to the likelihood of each genotype on a PHRED scale (-10*log10(lik)).


Scheet P, Stephens M. A fast and flexible statistical model for large-scale population genotype data: applications to inferring missing genotypes and haplotypic phase. Am J Hum Genet. 2006;78(4):629-644. doi:10.1086/502802

If you use the likelihood mode, cite:

Linkage Disequilibrium-Based Quality Control for Large-Scale Genetic Studies Scheet P, Stephens M (2008)

© Bertrand Servin 2021